Salah satu hal yang bikin aku tetep "waras" selama jauh dari rumahku di Bali dan tinggal/kerja di Jakarta adalah dengan dikelilingi orang-orang yang "sejalan" dan selalu menginspirasiku. Dan salah satu orang tersebut adalah Ayi @kelincitertidur.
Awalnya aku kenal Ayi pas dia dateng ke workshop Ayurveda pertamaku (bareng beberapa guru lainnya) di tahun 2014 (udah lama banget!). Dan salah satu hal yang memorable buatku tentang Ayi adalah gimana dia selalu pengen berbagi dengan orang lain, yaitu dengan cara memberi informasi dan ilmu tentang gimana caranya buat hidup sehat di perkotaan.

In this episode, we talked about:
Part I
👉 (03:29) From 9-5 job to owning a healthy catering. How Ayi steer through the career change
👉 (09:43) The importance of “safety net” when you go through a career change
👉 (14:45) What Ayi did to gain her parents’ trust so that she can pursue her dream
👉 (18:52) Ayi’s parenting style: How Ayi instil good values to her son, Nyala
👉 (30:28) How to have a balance between authenticity and financial needs as a social media influencer
Part II
👉 (04:55) The role of her husband for her success
👉 (06:58) How Ayi balance her life as a mother, a wife, an entrepreneur, and her individual self
👉 (17:04) What did she learnt from previous relationship heartbreak (and how it led her to discover health & wellness!)
After you got a chance to listen to this episode, here's a question for you: what's the one thing that you learnt from this class?
Share your learning point(s) on the comment below (with as many details as you can!), so that others can also learn from you.
With so much love,
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