I've never been someone who cares/concern about my health, even with the many health imbalances that I had (chronic bronchitis, allergy, food intolerance, weight issue, acne, scoliosis, and so many others).
But it changed after I learned about Ayurveda, and how it views health. Not only about why is it important to be healthy, but also how it approaches the path to health. To be healthy isn't a boring path anymore!

In this episode, you'll learn:
👉 (00:58) The purpose of Ayurveda, and the difference with the conventional medicine system
👉 (02:52) How to know our life purpose using the wisdom of Ayurveda
👉 (06:52) The 3 doshas and their (general) life's purpose
👉 (09:30) Curious what's your Ayurvedic body type? Download the quiz here www.ziakusumawardini.com/quiz
After you got a chance to listen to this episode, here's a question for you: what's the one thing that you learnt from this class?
Share your learning point(s) on the comment below (with as many details as you can!), so that others can also learn from you.
With so much love,
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