Kalau ngomongin soal tetep jadi otentik di dunia sosmed, I'm head over heels with @atiit .
Enggak cuma Atit ini bisa tetep jujur tentang dirinya sendiri (which reflects on her self-esteem and confidence!), dia juga rajin banget buat berbagi informasi valuable tentang gimana cara berkontribusi sama lingkungan sekitar, dengan cara yang paling praktis dan mudah di rumah.

In this episode, we talked about:
👉 (04:39) Atit on a career change. From an architect to a social media influencer
👉 (08:00) How Atit’s upbringing influence her unique view of the world
👉 (17:31) Toxic positivity. Why having a “positive mindset” can actually be toxic
👉 (24:19) Her soon-to-be parenting style. What she learnt from her parents about parenting
👉 (26:35) What’s healthy mean and look like for Atit
👉 (35:55) How Atit maintain a peaceful relationship with her spouse who has a different habit and lifestyle
👉 (42:11) How Atit sharpen her communication skill in her relationship
👉 (46:10) How to turn life challenges into a precious opportunity to grow
👉 (51:40) What motivates Atit to share her life journey on social media (that led her to become a social media influencer)
👉 (57:34) What Atit wish her social media followers know about her that’s not shown online
👉 (1:06:47) How Atit stay authentic with her work and not letting money control her decision making
👉 (1:10:00) How to attract amazing people and relationship in your life
After you got a chance to listen to this episode, here's a question for you: what's the one thing that you learnt from this class?
Share your learning point(s) on the comment below (with as many details as you can!), so that others can also learn from you.
With so much love,
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