It's not surprising that our habit/lifestyle has higher importance than our diet when it comes to health. Imagine this:
Let's say you eat a supposed to be 'healthy' food, but afterwards, you run, sleep, or take a shower. These three examples will cause undigested food if done after eating, even if that's eating 'healthy' food.
Which is why in Ayurveda, there's a specific routine that's ideally done throughout the day, and it's called Dinacharia. And in today's episode #15, I share about:

In this episode, you'll learn:
👉 (01:49) Dinacharia: Ayurvedic daily routine. Why is it crucial to your health?
👉 (05:47) Daily routines recommendation for Vata
👉 (10:23) Daily routines recommendation for Pitta
👉 (15:05) Daily routines recommendation for Kapha
👉 (18:19) 1 highlight daily routine tips for Vata
👉 (18:55) 1 highlight daily routine tips for Pitta
👉 (19:25) 1 highlight daily routine tips for Kapha
👉 Curious what's your Ayurvedic body type? Download the quiz here
After you got a chance to listen to this episode, here's a question for you: what's the one thing that you learnt from this class?
Share your learning point(s) on the comment below (with as many details as you can!), so that others can also learn from you.
With so much love,
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